From Artist to Therapist…
For over 25 years, I worked as a graphic designer and loved creating beauty and concepts that promoted a variety of businesses. Throughout that very fun career, I enjoyed helping through volunteer work, but I longed to do more to help people better their lives. I had always dreamed of being a therapist, so in midlife, I decided to make a major career change.
I began this transition by getting a master’s in spiritual psychology from the University of Santa Monica, which led me through a personal transformation that gave me the tools to navigate the most stressful life experiences. Then, I attended the University of La Verne, graduating with a master’s in educational counseling with an emphasis on school and family-based counseling. I am currently enrolled in a doctorate program in integral psychology at the California Institute for Human Science, which I expect to complete by 2027. I am a licensed professional clinical counselor in California (LPCC #13456).
My areas of therapeutic specialty are specifically chosen based on personal experience and the difficulties I had when seeking my own support. Working with a therapist who truly understands your perspective provides a powerful resource for creative solutions. I use a strength-based approach in all my work so we can build on a foundation of what is working right and change areas where you want to see improvement.
I enjoy taking a collaborative, psychodynamic approach to mental health.
If we believe there is learning and purpose in all experiences, we have begun the process of using life as a way to grow and expand. One of the fundamental principles I use in practice is looking at the lessons and blessings within each experience. Learning to self-analyze is a crucial step to helping uncover the belief systems that keep us trapped in unwanted life patterns. Through a gradual process of collaboration, homework, and shifting behavior, you will see great change inside and out.
A learning orientation to life is the first step towards transformation.
I use a holistic approach in counseling sessions, addressing the needs of body, mind, and spirit. My experience as a therapist, school counselor, advocate, artist, author, parent, and business coach allows me to bring a unique perspective to each session. I believe strongly in the power of the unconscious to guide our decisions, but I do not believe in spending a long time dwelling in the past. I utilize psychodynamic, solution-focused, somatic, acceptance & commitment, DBT, IFS, and I-CBT approaches.
Together, we will create small steps towards big changes.
Credentials & Education
- Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor #13456
- Autism Spectrum Disorder Clinical Specialist
- Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) Credential in School Counseling
- Certified Mindfulness Practitioner
- Certified Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
- Safe & Sound Protocol Certified Practitioner
- The Listening Program Certified Practitioner
- Wrightslaw Special Education Law & Advocacy Training
- Irlen Syndrome Certified Screener
- Structures of Intellect (SOI) Certified Assessor
- Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children® (MMTIC®) Certified Assessor
- Neurodevelopmental Movement Training Dec 2022
- In Progress:
Doctorate in Integral Psychology
California Institute for Human Science
Expected graduation: June 2027 - Masters in Educational Counseling
University of La Verne
Concentration in school & family counseling - Masters in Spiritual Psychology
University of Santa Monica - Bachelor of Architecture
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Special Ed Mom Survival Guide: How to prevail in the special education process and discover life-long strategies for you and your child
Same Journey, Different Paths: Stories of Auditory Processing Disorder)
Grounded for Life: 52 exercises for grounding.
Refocusing the View: Considering Disability through a Social Justice Lens
CAPED Conference, October 2021
CUNY Accessibility Conference, April 2021
9 Skills Required for College Success
WESTOP Conference 2021, March 2021
Disability Services & Student Veterans: Building Bridges to Success
Student Veterans of America, NatCon, January 2020
Supporting Students with Social Communication Deficits Training
CSUCI Counseling & Psychological Services, January 2020
CSUCI Learning Resource and STEM Tutors, February 2020
CSUCI Staff Training through HR, March 2021
CAPED Conference, October 2021
Disability Support for Veterans Transferring to 4-year College
Veteran Affairs Transfer Day, April 2020, November 2020, April 2021
Transition to College Panel Discussion
SELPA Ventura County Transition Fair, October 2019
K-12 to College Transition for Special Ed Students
Ventura County School Counselor Breakfast (October 2019 and 2020)
Calming the Hyper Child Workshop
Ojai Library for Special Mom Advocate, February 2018
Program Development
- Self-advocacy for Special Ed Students online training
- Suicide Assessment and Response Procedures
- Community College Transition Coalition program
- Supporting Students with Social Communication Deficits training
- Virtual School Survival Skills workshop series
- Optimize Your Study Space
- Minimize Distractions, Maximize Studying
- Easy Strategies to Get Organized!
- Tips to Maximize Homework Efficiency
- How to Access Virtual Tutoring
- Proven Study Tactics for Exams
- Create & Manage a Virtual Study Group
- Get a Grip on Test Anxiety
- Coping With Zoom Fatigue
- Prepping for Spring 2021
- Put a STOP to Procrastination
- Strategies for Writing Papers
- Use Tech to Be More Efficient
- Tips to Prep for Final Exams
- Mindfulness for Final Exams
Autism, ADHD, Neurodivergent
Social Anxiety
Parenting Kids with Autism & ADHD
Midlife Transitions
Safe & Sound Protocol
Bonnie Landau Weed, LPCC, PPS
LPCC #13456
©2023-2025 Bonnie Landau Weed, LPCC. All rights reserved.